20 08, 2023

IGGPPCamp 2023: Introduction to Visible Mending

By |2023-08-10T01:10:10+00:00August 20th, 2023|IGGPPCamp 2023, IGGPPCamp Crafts|0 Comments

There are a lot of different techniques you can use to mend your clothing, so much that I can't cover in a single blog post, but I wanted to demonstrate two possible ways to mend holes and rips using visible mending.

19 08, 2023

IGGPPCamp 2023: Create Your Own IGGLE Scout Sash!

By |2023-08-10T21:37:28+00:00August 19th, 2023|IGGPPCamp 2023, IGGPPCamp Crafts|0 Comments

Calling all campers! You’ve earned the badges, now stow 'em on a sash! Time-jump through your memories to share your successes. Proud of your blanket fort? Want to show off your camp cup pride? Perhaps a s’mores badge would help you signal to others that you can fit more in when everyone else is stuffed. Whatever the reason, a camp sash is the best way to celebrate your wins of the season!

19 08, 2023

IGGPPCamp 2023: Camp Time Camp-sule

By |2023-08-10T21:39:00+00:00August 19th, 2023|IGGPPCamp 2023, IGGPPCamp Crafts|Comments Off on IGGPPCamp 2023: Camp Time Camp-sule

Hello, and welcome to our Time Camp-sule activity! This is where you prepare a time capsule to be opened at next year's camp - by you! This is an open ended activity, so you'll be able to quite freely pick what goes into your box, preparing a care package for your future camper self!

19 08, 2023

IGGPPCamp 2023: Paper Theater Craft

By |2023-08-19T15:32:26+00:00August 19th, 2023|IGGPPCamp 2023, IGGPPCamp Crafts|0 Comments

Like to build things out of paper? Miss playing with dolls? Have a story you want to tell? You can do all three with a tiny paper theater! The instructions may seem long, but once you start putting it together, you’ll see just how easy it is. Later you can even add even more characters or more scenery, and create a tiny play for every season!

17 08, 2023

IGGPPCamp 2023: Thread Art Shenanigans

By |2023-08-10T21:26:38+00:00August 17th, 2023|IGGPPCamp 2023, IGGPPCamp Crafts|Comments Off on IGGPPCamp 2023: Thread Art Shenanigans

I love IGGPPCamp and the memories and friends I've made here through the years. I also love crafts. That's why after years of enjoying camp crafts, this year I've prepared one for you all: Thread Art! I hope you like it.

20 08, 2022

IGGPPCamp 2022: Bigfoot Footprints Craft

By |2022-08-17T16:44:48+00:00August 20th, 2022|IGGPPCamp 2022, IGGPPCamp Crafts|0 Comments

Having wanted my own set of Bigfoot footprints for some time, I figured why not make it a reality by casting my own set of dirty footprints. Bigfeet come in all shapes and sizes, so who is to say they’re real or not. (*they’re real*)

20 08, 2022

IGGPPCamp 2022: Easy Custom Cards: Secret Message Owl Craft

By |2022-08-09T20:55:33+00:00August 20th, 2022|IGGPPCamp 2022, IGGPPCamp Crafts|0 Comments

Let's create a card in the shape of an owl which will carry your messages secretly in her beak. How cute, right? This Do It Yourself is very easy. I'll only be showing you one way to create this card... Feel free to get super creative starting from here!

19 08, 2022

IGGPPCamp 2022: DIY Stickers Craft

By |2022-08-09T20:21:18+00:00August 19th, 2022|IGGPPCamp 2022, IGGPPCamp Crafts|0 Comments

Could this be the easiest DIY ever? Yes it can! As long as you can handle some scissors, and have some tape and parchment paper around, you can do this. It's THAT easy. Even if you don't want to make your own drawings, you can just tear up some magazine to get pictures you want to make stickers from.

18 08, 2022

IGGPPCamp 2022: Easy No-Sew Bunting Craft

By |2022-08-10T17:15:52+00:00August 18th, 2022|IGGPPCamp 2022, IGGPPCamp Crafts|0 Comments

t's a super simple no-sew bunting, using patterned card. This craft can take as long or as short as you want, depending on whether you decorate your bunting or use patterned card like me (it took me about an hour).