Welcome to IGGPPCamp!

Our 11th annual camp will be August 15 – August 18, 2024!

IGGPPCamp is an online camp run by the IGGPPC [International Geek Girl Pen Pals Club]. For one long weekend during August, we all get together online and do lots of fun things – including watching movies together, making s’mores, playing games on Discord, telling ghost stories, learning new things through awesome video tutorials, making friendship bracelets, building forts, and so much more. Think online convention meets scout-camp! Not sure what Camp is or how to join in? Check out our Camp FAQ page.

Camp Bulletin Board

2024 IGGPPCamp Counselor and Activity Host applications are CLOSED.

Thank you to all of our applicants! You will be notified if your application was selected by July 1, 2024.

Please note an important change for this year’s Counselor role: 
This year we are asking Counselors to NOT plan cabin-only activities. Each Troop will host one recipe, one craft, and one “live” activity (game, watch along, hangout) for the full camp based on your Troop theme. This is to ensure everyone has a chance to participate in all the camp activities and that we are able to provide staff support to all of our IGGPPCamp volunteers. You can read more on the application form. We appreciate your support!

The latest from IGGPPCamp:

  • The theme this year is IGGPPCamp: SPACE CAMP. We’re blasting off into outer space but with a bit of ’90s-does-60s’ flavor (think retrofuturism and a bit of Space Jam to get started!), plus challenges, new friends, and fun things to do along the way.
  • First time Camper? Check out the: NEW CAMPERS GUIDE

The 2024 IGGPPCamp Handbook will come out in July

  • Find out about IGGPPCamp Lore here!

Camp Pride Badges:

Put a badge on your website or blog! Be sure to link it to geekgirlpenpals.com/camp

IGGPPCamp Archives:

Looking for recipes or crafts from Camps of years past? Look no further! We’ve collected all of the snacks and projects from IGGPPCamp into these easy-to-find places:

Today at IGGPPCamp:

Read the most recent posts from IGGPPCamp here!