IT’S ALREADY THE THIRD DAY OF CAMP? I guess time flies when you’re having fun or when the twisted gears of a time-travel apparatus propel you through fractured timelines, each moment more bleak and oppressive than the last. DO YOU HAVE ANY FUN PLANS FOR THE DAY? If you haven’t been swimming in the lake yet, the weather looks like it will be lovely today! Or check out the camp library to find a cozy corner to curl up with a good book!

What’s happening at CAMP today?

Live Activities!

3:00 PM UTC Iggle Chat

4:00 PM UTC GAME: Shadow Game

6:00 PM UTC GAME: Your Earliest Photo

7:00 PM UTC HANGOUT: Book Chat


10:00 PM UTC WATCHALONG: Troop Memory Hosts – The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe

1:00 AM UTC WATCHALONG: Time Trackers

On Your Own Time!

Craft Cabin

Build a Paper Theater
Create Your Own IGGLE Scout Sash!
Make a Time Camp-sule

Mess Hall

Time Lord Tini

What’s today’s Costume Cosplay prompt?

⌛DAY THREE: Future Fashion⌛
Let’s imagine what the future of fashion might be! A collection of things from the past? Something super comfy? ALL CHROME? Let your creativity fly!

Still craving more? Check out the full camp schedule for all the event details and to see what’s coming up later this week! Don’t forget we also have daily doodle prompts, giveaways, role playing, blanket forts and more on the discord!

Want to show your camp pride off IRL? We added a bunch of camp merch for you to keep camp in your heart all year round!