THE NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS: Beyond Halloween Town brings us behind the scenes of an enduring classic

This August, Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas celebrated its 30th anniversary with a beautiful new coffee table book delving into the origins, the creation, and the enduring legacy of this iconic, classic film. Written by Emily Zemler, this book reads like a love letter to the film.

By |2023-09-06T21:22:47+00:00September 7th, 2023|Books, Reviews|0 Comments

IGGPPCamp 2023: Introduction to Visible Mending

There are a lot of different techniques you can use to mend your clothing, so much that I can't cover in a single blog post, but I wanted to demonstrate two possible ways to mend holes and rips using visible mending.

By |2023-08-10T01:10:10+00:00August 20th, 2023|IGGPPCamp 2023, IGGPPCamp Crafts|0 Comments

IGGPPCamp 2023: Orange Creamsicle Cookies

Creamsicle is a flavor that takes me right back to childhood and hot summer days and orange sherbet push pops. Add that this cookie recipe is made with Tang, and you've got a double layer of space-age, retro flavor, right in your oven!

By |2023-08-10T23:48:39+00:00August 20th, 2023|IGGPPCamp 2023, IGGPPCamp Cookbook|Comments Off on IGGPPCamp 2023: Orange Creamsicle Cookies

IGGPPCamp 2023: Create Your Own IGGLE Scout Sash!

Calling all campers! You’ve earned the badges, now stow 'em on a sash! Time-jump through your memories to share your successes. Proud of your blanket fort? Want to show off your camp cup pride? Perhaps a s’mores badge would help you signal to others that you can fit more in when everyone else is stuffed. Whatever the reason, a camp sash is the best way to celebrate your wins of the season!

By |2023-08-10T21:37:28+00:00August 19th, 2023|IGGPPCamp 2023, IGGPPCamp Crafts|0 Comments