17 10, 2020

Hallowiggles 2020: A Witchy Meditation

By |2020-10-17T06:04:46+00:00October 17th, 2020|Halloween Party 2020|0 Comments

Unwind with a witchy guided meditation from IggleWellness! A cup of tea, a pile of books, and a feline familiar - this cosy cottage has everything a witch could need for a relaxing evening. You can listen to the meditation or read the transcript below.

8 10, 2020

Hallowiggles 2020: Spoopy Cookie Get-Ready-Along

By |2020-10-08T19:10:36+00:00October 8th, 2020|Halloween Party 2020|0 Comments

Ghastly greetings, you spooky party ig-ghouls out there! What's that, you say? You plan to participate in the Spoopy Cookie Decorate-along during our famous and fa-boo-lous Halloween Party? Well, this here is a little prep post to get you ready for our sugary shenanigans.