Book Review – A Song For a New Day by Sarah Pinsker
Do you love music? Have you ever attended a live concert to experience music? Most of us have. And so most of us can relate to Sarah Pinsker's debut novel, A Song for a New Day.
Do you love music? Have you ever attended a live concert to experience music? Most of us have. And so most of us can relate to Sarah Pinsker's debut novel, A Song for a New Day.
It’s preaching to the choir to tell our community that finding friends online is possible; we’re pretty much experts. But it’s no less of a miracle that these relationships grow up out of text on a screen and flourish into lifelong bonds. Digital meetcutes happen every day and are always worth celebrating!
If ever there were a time for more Kindness, this is it. This month’s theme, Friendship is Magic, is in honor of World Kindness Day, [...]