So who’s planning fun things for you to do at camp? Take a gander at these wonderful talented people! They’ll be bringing their creativity, knowledge, and a healthy dose of fun to IGGPPCamp.

Camp Staff

Summer AKA Camp Director Sumsy
Summer is a former ACTUAL summer camp counselor turned VIRTUAL summer camp director. She excels at spreadsheets, blanket forts, and always sings the silliest camp songs the loudest.

Joanna AKA Camp Director Jo
Joanna is a semi-professional storyteller with a permanent case of wanderlust and a perpetual art dabbler. She loves national parks, wildlife conservation, geeky conventions, and weird roadside attractions.

Kara AKA Nurse Buffalo
Buffalo is a Counselor Emeritus (#cacaw #mockingjay4ever) turned Camp Nurse who LOVES iggle campers, but if you need someone to hold the bucket for you while you barf magical slugs, you’re on your own! Advice to new campers: don’t turn your back on your s’mores or they may fall victim to a wild Buffalo’s Chomp-and-Run. DFTBA!

Steena AKA Lore Coordinator Steena
BAT! No wait, that’s just Steena – camp lore keeper, pie eater, and snarker extraordinaire, Steena loves to hike, deep dive on movies, and has an obsession with quirky earrings. Find her in the discord server to chat about the macabre, Sailor Moon, or classic films!

Activity Planners

JustCombined (Dittany) is our resident Slytherin, a veteran IGGPPCamper, and a lover of all things food-related. If you put it in front of her, she’ll turn it into something delicious! (Is it magic? Mayyyyybe.) You can find her, @JustCombined, on Twitter and IG, be sure to say hello – Parseltongue greetings accepted!

Rhiannon, aka Bibbidi, is the secret mastermind behind the IGGPPC Twitter and Instagram. She loves all things cute and cosy, and is a journaling fiend. You can find her on Insta at rhiann0nw!

Kim, aka Peachy, is a four-time counselor who loves coffee, crafts, and cocktails. If she’s not rocking out at the nearest Local H concert, you can likely find her reading by the lakeshore or sneaking snacks from the mess hall. Her favorite part of IGGPPCamp is helping new campers feel welcome and blanket fort & wine night.
Can be found pretty much anywhere on the interwebz as ThePeachMartini.

Mathilde lives in France, where she never went to “colonie de vacances” but had a lot of adventures in the woods on her own. She is waiting all year long for IGGPPC Summer Camp, because it’s her favourite time of the year! She loves cinema, science-fiction, crafting, stargazing and meeting new friends!

Caitlan is quite the mysterious one! It’s common that you will find her relaxing and listening to true crime podcast, painting, building miniature rooms, or even gaming. If she had her way it would be Halloween all year round. One dream in her life is to be surrounded by foxes. Find her on twitter at @FoxBehindDaTree.

Sarah (Advent Geek Girl) lives in a small town in Mideastern Wisconsin. She is a mother, wife, foodie, and travel-enthusiast in addition to her primary geek addiction as a tabletop gamer. She geeks out over nuns, zombies, Lord of the Rings, and Star Wars. Sarah hails from House Organa and is a child of the 80s. Find more about Sarah on her social media accounts.

Hélène, aka Arenaw, aka Camper Billywig, can usually be find where her cat is. When she sews he sits on patterns or fabrics, when she reads he rubs the book or when she cooks sweets he meows like he hasn’t eaten for 3 days. If you have a crazy idea in mind, contact her, she’ll help you do it ! You can find her on Twitter or Instagram : @Arenaw_h.

The no-nonsense Katerina, who lurks around Discord as ShiftKatRanger, may not seem all out of the ordinary at first. Yet little will you realize unless you stop to meet her that she is a rising legend in combat robotics! Had she had her pick at unlimited abilities, Katerina would choose fluency in every language known to mankind, and you better believe she has good reason to pick it.

Indy, or Counselor Marshmallow, is essentially an easily distracted dragon with a dozen little hoards! From enamel pins to books to her craft hoards, she has a wild collection of interests that all bring her joy. She loves the cute side of life, and is a proud second generation nerd, having been brought up on both D and D and Star Trek, and has loved Labyrinth since she was old enough to drag the VHS copy off the shelf. Find her on Twitter at @SnowWriterType

Camper Stitch Witch (aka Professor Stitch Witch, or Rachel) lives with her partner, cocker spaniel, fluffy tuxedo cat, and lop eared bunny in a 1950s-era ranch house with raised beds and a future she shed our back. If she’s not weaving at her loom or spinning yarn, you can find her making soft sculptures, teaching art history to university students, or out in the garden.

Morgan (aka Camper Nutmeg)(she/her) is a time traveling hammock reader with a penchant for mischief and relaxing crafts. Find her on Instagram and discord as Logicalbibliophile.

Meike aka Camper Alice turns into an excited toddler when a goat is insight. She will get almost as exited (not quite the same) for star wars, animal crossing and Disney. You can find her everywhere she’s at as crowlovescore.

Judit (Judd) lives in a wee village called Gimenells in Catalunya (Spain). She’s a daydreamer, treehugger and an eternal student.
She’s also a doll maker, scarfs and hats provider, natural born reader, audiobook addict, greenthumb and a science fiction and fantasy enthusiast. She’s geek and proud.

Dale, aka Doc Von Ondine, is a librarian. Between their efforts to bring TTRPGs to their rural French town and their regular ordering of sci-fi, fantasy and horror books, they can frequently be heard practicing their growl and talking to birds. Dale lurks on tumblr at

Merissa can be found during the day behind a library circulation desk. After work she’s reading Lord of the Rings and old mystery stories, taking care of horses, and knitting.

Beth, aka PhoenixEmerald, is a slow roasted science nut from the deserts of Arizona. When not advocating for the birth to five crowd Beth can be found excavating interesting facts, happily crafting, reading, tarot-ing, puzzling, gaming, and rock hounding. She is pro-oxford comma and anti-pickles. Can be found occasionally on Instagram @ThePhoenixEmerald

Lianne loves learning new crafts and art mediums. From learning create things with air dry clay to drawing with micron pens and watercolor markers, she is always finding to something new to try. You can find her on Instagram at imake.things.

Elizabeth, aka Camper PanserBjørn, is definitely a person, and not three small bears in a trench coat. She enjoys long naps, porridge, and can often be found reading in her favorite chair. Track her down on the IGGPPC Discord to chat about gaming, books, honey, or crafting!

Camper Bad Wolf, aka Casey, aka Case Closed on Discord loves IGGPPC camp and IRL camping. She’s into hiking, yoga, and kayaking. An avid reader, if her nose isn’t in a book she can be found crocheting, thrifting, and being sassed by her tarot decks. She has an enduring love for (and an overflowing cupboard filled with) tea.

Once an iggle, always an iggle! Rizz has been in and out of IGGPPC for 9 out of its 10 years. Once Rizz graduated from schooling and could fully commit to the iggle experience, xe jumped into camp for the first time in 2020! Now, you can find Rizz at the camp archery range, hanging out with xir valiant flock of hens, or hiking along the trails. Find xir on discord @joanofarchives

Elio is a history major and lover of reading, crafting, and birdwatching! If she hadn’t joined Troop Vortex and mapped the time portals that appear around the cabin, Elio would’ve contented herself to digging through camp archives and leading local archaeology digs… she chuckles at the idea now.
Between time travel trips and camp activities, Elio may be spotted spending odd hours in the library or the craft room – but you’ll likely find her pestering Phaux, the camp historian, with questions.

IGGPPCamp Handbook Links

  • Find the IGGPPCamp Handbook main page here!
  • Find Camp Supplies List here!
  • Find Camp Activity Leader info here!
  • Find Troop info here!
  • Find out about IGGPPCamp Lore here!
  • Return to the main IGGPPCamp page here!