Hi Campers. Let’s get serious for a moment. It’s safe to say 2020 has not been the year any of us thought it would be! There have been a lot of ups & downs, and for many of us there have been moments of fear, uncertainty, and struggle. I found Geek Girl Pen Pals at a real low point in my life when I was in a strange transition figuring out who I was and who I wanted to be. I was five years out of college and, as our lives took different paths, I was struggling to make new friends as I saw many of those old friendships drift away.
I jumped at the opportunity to participate in the community and eventually join the staff because I saw the beautiful and diverse group of people this club was able to reach. We come from different countries, span generations, and each bring our own unique interests and fandoms to create this wonderful community that I call my home.
You all surprise and amaze me every day, and I’m glad to have you as my friends.
This year’s camp will be similar to our past six (YES, IT’S YEAR 7!) camps. Your camp directors, staff, activity leads and counselors have been hard at work creating what we hope is a memorable experience over the next four days! We have three fabulous troops headed by nine of the most dedicated and creative counselors.
When I first joined IGGPPC staff, I was scared I wouldn’t fit in. Afraid I wasn’t the right kind of nerdy, or that I couldn’t give enough time. On this first day of IGGPPCamp, some of you might be feeling those same emotions. Let me tell you – DON’T. Camp is a place where all are welcome to give as much or as little as they want. Your troop mates and camp staff are here to support you and hopefully give you a place for a bit to escape everything that’s happening in the real world.
Not sure where to start? Head to the Camp Bulletin Board While we always encourage the buddy system, if you take a wrong turn on the trail, give a holler to us on twitter and we will help you find your way!
Did you get lost on your way to camp??? Those of you who signed up for a cabin should have gotten a link to our Camp Discord server. If you didn’t sign up or missed the link WELL HERE IT IS AGAIN.
Be good, campers. I believe in you.
Morning Announcements
Audio PlayerActivity Time!
We are starting camp off over at the Arts & Crafts Shed today! Rhiannon will teach us how to make a celestial wall hanging craft and Katherine will show you how to cross-stitch your own IGGPPCamp badge. All that crafting work up an appetite? Jennifer just whipped up a batch of Almond Butter Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookie Bars in the Mess Hall!
Need a warm up? Learn the IGGPPCamp song!
Audio PlayerLyrics:
Camp IGGPPC, you mean everything to me!
Make a bracelet, sing a song,
With iggle camp you can’t go wrong,
Food and fun times with your friends
It’s iggles now and till the end
Camp IGGPPC, you mean everything to me!
Camp Chatter
GIVEAWAYS! Did you know we have FIVE fantastic camp giveaways this year? Go here to enter now!
Mathilde will be testing you linear knowledge in our annual Geeky Timeline today. Stay tuned to Discord and Twitter to find out more at 6p UTC!
A bit later today, don’t forget to stop by our Staff Camp Welcome! We’ll be hanging out at the opening campfire telling stories, singing songs, and having a good time.
Don’t forget to check out all the other fun stuff (like puppies and scavenger hunts!) happening at the First Aid Cabin on Discord! If you signed up for a cabin, check your welcome email for the link! You can also get the link on twitter.
Still craving more? Check out the full camp schedule for all the details and to see what’s coming up later this week!
Want to show your camp pride off IRL? We added a bunch of camp merch for you to keep camp in your heart all year round!
What does your cabin have planned for today?
Troop 42
Troop 42 are making some space buddies! Grab your towel, stick out your thumb and hitch a ride on our spaceship!
Troop Slayer
Welcome campers! We’re so excited you’re here! Grab a glass of blood punch and join us in getting to know everyone!
Troop Wish
It’s time to get to know your fellow campers with a wish-themed game of This or That! Once you’ve settled into the Troop Wish cabin, let’s brighten it up with Counselor Bibbidi’s celestial wall hanging craft on the camp blog!
You’ve met your cabin-mates and today begins the first of many comradely activities! Tomorrow morning begins the IGGPPCamp Cup Challenge, when your Troops will be given a set of photo challenges to complete and YOU, Camper, can help your Troop to victory by finishing a set of individual challenges. Work together and support your Troop to victory and the CAMP CUP BADGE!
Stories by Starlight with Lore Coordinator Steena
Gather ’round the campfire and get ready for a nightly spooky tale with Lore Coordinator Steena– it’s Stories by Starlight! Tonight’s tale:
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