Last December I had the deliciously great opportunity of watching this movie before everyone else in a session for the press. And it was a great delight! Paddington 2 is as cool as the first story of this cutest little bear in London. And the huge surprise was how awesomely even better than the first one it is – and the first movie was incredible!
Without the novelty of the first movie about the bear who leaves the woods for London, actually without the novelty itself, this sequel managed to be a feat: it is even better than the first movie, like I have just said above. Yes, it is like the Godfather 2 of the Paddington bear, surpassing the original in terms of emotions, art and singularity, as well as the storytelling itself. Wow!
I watched the first one on Netflix, and it was amazing to watch the sequel in the movies. Paddington is certified fresh with 98% of acceptance @ RT! And Paddington 2 is, at the time of this review, with a 100% acceptance @ RT!
Paddington 2 is charming and simple, with good jokes and without that much of a cliché and too-obvious-jokes, unfortunately very common in child movies, this is more of a film that fits within my personal category of “feel-good movies”.
Just like the first one, it left me with a smile on my face that lasted for a long time after I had watched the movie, and a similar smile twists the corners of my lips upwards once again when I remember both motion pictures.
I have to say that again: this movie managed the feat of being even better than an amazing original movie! When the standard is an already excellent film and the sequel still surpasses it… wow! This movie is actually a very rare heart-shaped jewel!
Humor, adventure, friendship, a hymn to multiculturality, a splendid use of the storytelling and Hugh Grant as the villain!
This movie is magical, it is fantastic, it warms our hearts and makes us have a little more faith in humankind.
The cast is extremely charismatic, several scenes are just plainly brilliant, even those classic slapstick comedy ones, all of which together make this a movie to be watched and rewatched, with your family, friends, alone or even with your pet. Because we already know the main characters (and some secondary ones), there is more time to be dedicated to the exploration of their relationships and to provide us with an even bigger delight in this second instance of the story of this little bear that loves marmalade!
The photography and the visual effects used to tell the story are excellent, and the Whovian in me got an extra delight to see (once more) the 12th Doctor in the skin of the grumpy neighbour this is a rare gem of a movie for children who might melt the heart of even some of the grumpiest adults like Peter Capaldi’s character in this movie.
Not relying on easy and/or too obvious jokes, with a charming subtlety, this movie has something of that British nostalgia plus something of a Pixar flick, but with its own singularity that makes this series something unique, memorable and totally good to be watched and rewatched with or without a hot tea while watching it.
Outstanding: 5 out of 5 marmalade sandwiches.
“Unless you’re dead inside, you will not fail to be utterly charmed by Paddington 2.“
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