Calling all campers! You’ve earned the badges, now stow ’em on a sash! Time-jump through your memories to share your successes. Proud of your blanket fort? Want to show off your camp cup pride? Perhaps a s’mores badge would help you signal to others that you can fit more in when everyone else is stuffed. Whatever the reason, a camp sash is the best way to celebrate your wins of the season!
IGGLE Scout Sash Supplies:
This activity is meant to be done in any way that is affordable and feasible so no one misses out. Please fit this craft to what you can do! *Amount of supplies depends on the size of the wearer and how many badges they want on their sash.
- Something to go across your body and tie, like a scarf
Recycled paper bags or something similar - Paper
- Printer (optional)
- Crayons, colored pencils, etc.
- Glue, tape, or safety pins (suggested if you use a scarf, etc.)
- Recycled cardboard boxes (to give paper badges structure)
- Scissors
Since this activity is meant to be low-cost/free, iggles who want to pursue a fully sewn sash are welcome to follow their own pattern to join in. Please make sure to get the yardage needed for your body size. Iron-on patches and buttons are available on the IGGPPC store.
IGGLE Scout Sash Instructions:
1. Make the badges
*We have printouts available both in color and black & white so you can color them*
Print out the badges you want: camp badge printables 2023
Make your own badges: Using something circular like a can, trace circles onto your paper. Draw and color a symbol representing the achievement you want.
Glue or tape the new paper badges onto the back of the recycled cardboard boxes (the brown, unprinted side). Once secured, cut out the cardboard.
Now you have a sturdy badge! Next, time to get something to put them on.
2. Make the sash:
Tie a long scarf around your body, shoulder to hip
Use a paper bag: Measure and cut out strips of paper bag. Tape or glue them together to go around your body, shoulder to hip. Try it on to make sure it fits across your body.
Glue, tape, or safety pin the badges to your sash.
3. Wear the sash
Make sure to share pictures with your fellow campers!
(Image description: shot of Rizz wearing both versions of the sash, finished with badges)
Contributed by Rizz
Once an iggle, always an iggle! Rizz has been in and out of IGGPPC for 9 out of its 10 years. Once Rizz graduated from schooling and could fully commit to the iggle experience, xe jumped into camp for the first time in 2020! Now, you can find Rizz at the camp archery range, hanging out with xir valiant flock of hens, or hiking along the trails. Find xir on discord @joanofarchives
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