My Neighbor Totoro, the Japanese animated film written and directed by Hayao Miyazaki and animated by Studio Ghibli, was first released in 1988. In honor of the 30th anniversary, Kinokuniya USA and Her Universe teamed up with Studio Ghibli to bring an official pop-up shop to San Francisco, California. From February 24 to March 18, you can visit the shop in the event space at TOTO Concept 190 on King Street (right across from the home of the San Francisco Giants, AT&T Park).
My Neighbor Totoro is a wonderful film with a powerful ecological theme. It tells the tale of two sisters, Satsuki and Mei, and their whimsical interactions with the friendly forest spirit Totoro. In honor of the film, the Studio Ghibli Pop Up Shop is inspired by the forest where Totoro lives. Fans will find vibrant hues of forest green throughout the store, eco-friendly merchandise fixtures made of recycled cardboard and wall graphics of wondrous creatures and critters from the film.
While the shop has a focus on Totoro (there are adorable plush backpacks!), there is also merchandise from Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke and other Studio Ghibli films. You find puzzles, paper theater, books, movies, jewelry, prints, postcards, and even nail clippers. There are also five Her Universe designs available exclusively in the shop. But don’t worry if you can’t make it to the shop, those five Her Universe designs will be available at Hot Topic once the shop moves on.
If you are anywhere close to San Francisco before March 18th, be sure to stop by the Studio Ghibli Pop Up Shop and pick up the exclusive Studio Ghibli merchandise. And if you can’t make it or you went and didn’t get a chance to grab the exclusive shirt or the souvenir tote bag, we’ve a got chance for you to win one!
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