Alright, the time has come campers – you have to pack up your bags and leave the campgrounds. 🙁 DON’T WORRY! Camp will live on all year in our hearts, and your bunk will be waiting for you again next year! Make sure you let us know on Discord if you get home and are missing anything.

But before you go, we encourage the swapping emails/addresses with your camp friends so you can keep in touch now that camp is over. Oh, and: DON’T FORGET TO CLEAN YOUR BUNK BEFORE YOU LEAVE.

Don’t want camp to end? You can get camp merch from our zazzle store. Proceeds help keep the IGGPPC site running!


But most importantly…

THANK YOU! This is the ELEVENTH IGGPPCamp. This year about 2/3rd of our registered campers had participated in a previous camp. Some of you have participated in EVERY camp and seen it evolve over the years. But the heart of IGGPPCamp has remained the same – It’s a place where friendships are formed and strengthened, creativity blooms, and some pretty awesome people have a lot of fun.

MASSIVE THANKS to our counselors, activity leaders, and IGGPPC staff for their creativity, time, and passion to make camp a fun place in our hearts and minds. And every year I’m blown away by your creativity and spirit.

And this year THE BIGGEST THANKS to my co-camp director Joanna and lore coordinator Steena who jumped in wholeheartedly to rally pull together camp this year while I was mostly out of pocket with IRL stuff. These two absolute GEMS just get what camp is all about and pour countless hours into the logistics of pulling it all together. There’s not enough thanks in the world to let them know how glad I am to have them in this process!

So while the blanket forts might be coming down, the spirit of camp will live on throughout the year! (Besides – now we get to start planning HALLOWIGGLES!)


Did you just stumble into the campsite now?

DON’T WORRY! All our blog posts will still be here, and the discord will be open through next week for you to say your goodbyes!

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4