IGGPPC Houses2024-06-08T02:51:58+00:00

Get Sorted into Your IGGPPC House

At IGGPPC we use a house system to organise our iggles for pairing up pen pals, build community spirit and get some friendly house rivalry going on! Each house has its own private Discord channel for members to chat in and as you age you will move up the houses. You can access your House by going to our Discord (click any of the icons below) and heading to the “Get Roles” channel!

Note: You must be at least 17 to join IGGPPC. This isn’t because we don’t love our younger geek pals, but is in alignment with international safety laws and to keep you (and everyone in the club) safe.

House Quinn
House QuinnAges 17-21
House GlaDOS
House GlaDOSAges 22-29
House Organa
House OrganaAges 30-44
House Ripley
House RipleyAges 45+

Now that you’ve found your House, sign up for a pen pal!

House FAQs

How do I know which House I am in?2020-08-10T18:49:13+00:00

You are in a House based on your age. These age groups have been determined based on the relative number of people in each group we’ve had sign up over our many years!

  • House Quinn are ages 17-21
  • House GlaDOS are ages 22-29
  • House Organa are ages 30-44
  • House Ripley are ages 45+
Who are the Houses named after?2020-08-11T18:03:38+00:00

IGGPPC Houses are named for great female/femme characters in fiction, and are ways for us to get to know people similar ages.
The IGGPPC Houses are Quinn, GlaDOS, Organa, and Ripley.

  • House Quinn is named for Harley Quinn, from the Batman universe
  • House GlaDOS is named for GlaDOS, the villainous AI from Portal
  • House Organa is named for General (née Princess) Leia Organa, from Star Wars
  • House Ripley is named for Ellen Ripley, from the Aliens universe
How do I join my House?2020-08-11T18:06:17+00:00

The Houses are how we sort for pen pal pairing, so that if you sign up for a pen pal match through our pairing rounds, you will be paired with someone from your same House.

You can also a join a private chat area for your House on our Discord! Look for the “About IGGPPC Houses” channel for instructions.

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